DnD Spells in the real world

What if you could have three DnD (5e) spells that you could use in the real world? Which would you choose?

What if you could have three DnD (5e) spells that you could use in the real world? Which would you choose?

Here are the rules.

  1. You only get to choose 3 spells.
  2. If you choose a cantrip, you get 10 uses a day and this slowly recharges while you rest or quickly while you sleep.
  3. If you pick any other spell, you get two uses but you must have the material components. Your uses recharge fully after a good night’s rest or partially (if at all) on a poor night’s sleep.

Which three spells would you choose? Why those three DnD spells in the real world? Tell me in the comments below.


  1. Mark P

    Mending cantrip – Mending historical artworks And archeological artefacts. Large profit. Not a vast amount of work. Specialist fields that aren’t very busy.

    Magnificent mansion – Fully served hotel in London or NewYork profit = turnover due to magic. Use to solve homelessness else where.

    Gate – Space travel without pollution, reduced risk and much cheaper.

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