A murder mystery for you to solve

I have logically constructed a murder mystery. As I release clues, it should be possible to determine who did the deed and why. Unfortunately for you, detective, your officers are bad at their job. As a result actionable information will trickle in over time.

The first person to identify the murder, the murder method, and the motive (as well as the guest, gift, and car) may call themselves the winner.

The murder

Daniel Jenkins had thrown a private party for six friends. John Greene came alone but the others brought a guest with them. Attending the event were: Albert Smythe, Wesley Harper, Jason Samuels, Amara Samuels, Owen Johnson, Rohan Wooster, Sue Smith, John Greene, Bret Jones, Jack Dent, Daniel Jenkins (obviously), and Evelyn McMillan. Your officer entirely failed to ask who each of the guests came with.

One of the people present used a fast-acting poison which killed Daniel Jenkins (the host) and John Greene (one of his guests).

Your officers have done a seriously poor job of gathering useful information and then sent the guests home. As the sub-par reports come in, you must determine who killed these two people and why.


Clues will be posted on My Social Node. These will eventually appear here as comments. Here are some clues to get you started.

The victim’s journal lists five different feuds he was having with his friends. The journal does not say which feud was had with which friends but reports, a substantial debt, a potential love triangle, hurtful gossip, a broken promise, and a betrayal of trust.

Gifts from the guests were placed on the dining table. These were:

  • A portrait of the victim’s dog
  • A bottle of vintage port
  • A rare orchid
  • A bunch of cheap flowers from the nearby supermarket
  • A bottle of expensive wine.

CCTV shows there were five cars outside the house. A green Bentley, a black Cadillac, a brand new white Tesla, a rusty yellow BMW, and a Ford (model and colour not recorded). Close inspection of the grainy footage shows what appears to be a large painting in the back of a grey Ford Mondeo.

You are told that the victims, Daniel Jenkins and John Greene slipped away from the party at least twice.

More clues to follow soon.


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