Creative Writing written on 24th June 2017 by Matthew Brown
Anthology of Madness
84 words (~0 minutes reading time)
Over the years I have written some pretty odd short stories. Most of them have a slightly scary twist.
The first story, for example, “When it Stops” – that was written for an online competition. I’ve given it the once over, brushed a few lines up and fixed a few minor errors but otherwise, this is the same story.
All of the stories in this collection are my attempt to give you, the reader, the willies. Just remember, they’re only stories… Right?
Author: Matthew Brown
Matthew is a writer, web dev, and geek from Kent (UK). He is the founder and current chair of Thanet Creative as well as head geek for Author Buzz. His ambitions include seeing a film or TV series based on something he wrote. Matt is also responsible for fixing stuff on when it breaks.