An excerpt from my Visual Novel, The Spell Collector

This is a snippet of dialouge from my upcoming Visual Novel (The Spell Collector) between the titular Wizard (W) and their assistant Brian (B). It appears after chapter zero.

W: Tell me something Brian.

B: What do you want to know teacher?

W: I truly appreciate the assistance you have given but there is one thing I don’t quite understand.

B: There’s something that you don’t understand?

W: The end of this trip will mark the start of the fifth year with you as my assistant. Most novices serve for a year or two before leaving to pursue their own studies.

B: That’s true.

W: You’ve been with me for over three years already. Four by the end of this journey.

W: Do you plan to leave when we arrive somewhere more exciting?

B: No, teacher. Not at all.

W: Strange. Most young mages would do just that. It is not as if you owe me anything.

B: I’m not ready to go it alone. I feel like I have so much more to learn from you.

W: That’s kind of you to say. I doubt there is any more for me to show you. At least not anything new that you cannot work out for yourself with a little practice.

B: I’m confident this journey will teach us both all sorts of new things.

W: That is why I am taking this sabbatical after all.

B: I’m looking forward to it.

W: Me too. It’s been far too long since I left that stuffy old castle.

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