Long time readers may, due to being total legends, remember that I periodically released newer versions of The Fictional Dictionary of Bad Language. You can find PDFs of older versions if you hunt arround this website.
What you will not find is the most up-to-date version with the slightly (extremely) sarcastic additions with references to certain world leaders. Nor any of the other new entries including a lot more amusing insults.
If you want that, you need to go over to amazon and grab yourself a copy. Kindle Unlimited readers can get it for free. For everyone else, it comes in at arround £2 – the price of an expensive cup of coffee.
My intention is to release a new edition every year or so. If early editions sell well enough I can even afford to pay someone to make me a better-looking cover. I mean, look at this ugly thing:

Never mind that this looks very much like my (real) dictionary which I regularly ignore, it’s something of an affront to good design.
We can make it better. We can hire a real designer for edition 2, next year.
If you are a Kindle Unlimited user, check out the fictional dictionary. I promise it will make you chuckle.
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