We have to face facts, EU cookies notices are getting out of hand. Some websites are utterly unreadable until you have dealt with all sorts of full page interstitial messages.
For those of us that understand that cookies are always in our control anyway (and that they are just text) as well as those that just don’t care, it would be ideal if we could just auto-accept cookies and not see the popup messages.
I said so much on Twitter.
Which is why I have published this gist. To show how easy it can be to test for the header.
Setting the header is easy. For Chrome, you can use something like mod-header. Similar add-ons exist for other browsers too. I use mine to send a dad joke to servers – just in case a web admin is reading the logs and could use being cheered up.
Of course, the header by itself does nothing unless we can get website owners to respond to it. That is a whole other story.