From 287 CR to 298 CR the Iron Realms (now Northen Lagorin) were unified under Tallon in a series of wars, alliances, treaties, and negotiations. There then followed what is now called The Thousand-Year Iron Peace.
In 1209 CR Gallio formed an alliance with the Iron realms over threats of expansion from Fieldon. In 1677 CR an arranged marriage between Gallio and the Iron Realms essentially unified the two into one kingdom named Lagorin after the family of the then-current prophet emperor.
In 2081 CR Gallio joined the Lagorin union. Gallio’s adsorption into the Lagorin empire was not without its difficulties. Many fled what they saw as an invasion settling on the island of Fallanxis. The people of Fallanxia (the only significant settlement on the island) consider themselves the true heirs of Gallio.
Fallanxia joined Lagorin in 2101 CR in a defensive pact against sea-based raiders. It is unclear who the raiders were or where they came from. The last mention of the raiders is in Lagorin military records recording a short and spectacularly one-sided naval battle in 2105 CR.
The treaty of 2101 CR saw a separation of state and religion with a change in the capital of Lagorin from Tallon (with the shrine of the Tear of Invention) to the more central Laston.
Calls for Gallion independence

There are Fallanxians campaigning for Fallanxis independence (including control of Gallio). While this is unlikely to happen anytime soon, it is a constant theme of much of the local culture.
The pro-independence groups largely reject the religious devotion to the prophets preferring to worship ideals such as Strength, Piety, and Victory.
This tension over Gallio is inspired by the real-world tensions over Ireland and the United Kingdom. I plan to flesh this out as needed, probably through game playtesting of the setting.
There will be factions within Blackgate and Gallian that favour remaining unified while others long for independence. This tension provides all sorts of plot hooks for players to get caught up in various forms of political wranglings, freedom fighting, terrorism (or freedom fighting, depending on which side the players find themselves).
When you get to Fallaxia itself, players should feel as if this settlement sees itself as a separate political entity.