My unbeaten head-scratcher

Some time, not so long ago, I released a puzzle. An “easy” puzzle – or so I thought. This puzzle has actual real world prizes if you can crack it.

No one has.

Building an unbeaten puzzle

Conceptually this puzzle is very simply. There are two steps to replicate it and both of them are simple. However, as of writing this, no one has spotted the clue that will allow them to reverse engineer the two steps and easily solve the puzzle.

Two strips of paper and a felt tip pen should be all you need to solve this. Which is why I am so amused that no one has cracked it yet.

If I were to guess, I would say people are overthinking it. I’m not sure why else no one has got it yet.


If you want to solve my puzzle without clues, stop reading.

Clue #1: Alan Turing could probably have solved this while on a lunch break. That’s a huge clue in case you missed it.

Clue #2: Line four is a huge weakness in the puzzle. I put that in there on purpose. Do you see the statistically unlikely letter sequences? That too is a clue.

Clue #3: Things move.

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