I wish I were organised
I am not the least bit organised. I wish I were but I am not. Part of that is dyspraxia. Part is dyslexia. Some is the pain I live with. It is still my fault – or at least I am the only one that can do anything which is …
I am not the least bit organised. I wish I were but I am not. Part of that is dyspraxia. Part is dyslexia. Some is the pain I live with. It is still my fault – or at least I am the only one that can do anything which is …
Today marks the start of NaNoWriMo and 30 days of writing as hard as possible in order to say, “I wrote 50,000 words this year (in just 30 days)”. Other than trying to get to a few write-ins, and writing a list of tips for NaNoWriMo I still (as of writing …
Sometimes you just want to mess with your players. Perhaps because they have become complacent or maybe they have forgotten that you, the GM, are all powerful. Maybe you are just an evil maniacal GM. Either way, these special loot items have you covered. Ring of unnatural ageing A platinum …
Going through my drafts has made me realise just how many projects I have started but not finished. This post, as much as nag at myself as any real content, is my attempt to list some of them. Plot-lines the card game About three months ago, I announced Plot-lines. Yeah, …
This is a summary of terms used in the S3 RPG system. Challenge Level (CL) The overall challenge of a task. The higher the CL, the more skill that is needed to attempt the task. CL denotes the number of successes the player must roll. CL runs from 1 to …
I have been having fun imagining my setting as an affectionate parody of “Magic: The Gathering” realised as “Mad Science: The Get-together”. As combat card games go it would have a large army of creatures that were mostly 0/1 with occasional 2/2 (such as Normal). This is the thing with the …
I have such a bad habit of writing posts but then I do not publish my posts. It might have seemed like this blog went dark and I stopped writing. What actually happened was I sucked at feeling ready to publish. My problem is that I don’t want to embarrass …
Back in September, I hit the grand old age of 42. So, of course, I had to have a Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy birthday party. As a set piece for the table I decided to make Frankie and Benjy mouse in a terrarium. I had planned to use toy white …
I would like to blame writer’s block for my lack of productivity. It would be so easy. That is not the case though. Mostly, I think I’ve just been distracted. What am I distracted by? Some of the things I have been distracted by include the new WordPress editor – …
I have no idea what I want for my birthday but world peace would be nice. Rather than force people to struggle to come up with something when I’m clueless myself, I have a whole other idea. For my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to The Sophie Lancaster …